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The licenses for the period 2012 – 2020 (extended until 2021 due to COVID) has been completed and all the beach bars and Kiosks in Formentera have been dismantled. The dismantling had to be done before December 31, 2021, and all the beach bars owners have religiously complied with the calendar: there are no beach bars left in Formentera right now.
Why have the Formentera Beach Bars been dismantled?
For the simple reason that the 8-year license period has ended (2012 – 2020, plus extended one more year due to COVID). This means that the beach bars had to be dismantled and the Formentera Council must open a new round of proposals and contracts for the bidding for beach bar licenses for the new period 2022 – 2027.
One-year extension due to COVID
The 2012 – 2020 period was extended by one year due to the tourism impact caused by COVID during the 2020 season.
Lots of requests for Formentera beach bars
More than 100 applications have been submitted (specifically 112 companies) for a total of 50 beach establishments for the period 2022 – 2027. Apparently, the Kiosk that has received the most applications has been the Kiosko s’Abeuradeta in Es Pujols, with a total of 15 proposals presented. The second one with the most proposals is the one that appears in the image of this article, the Chiringuito Saona and the two kiosks on Es Arenals beach, which are the Pirata Bus and the Kiosko La Franja.
As for the aforementioned Kiosko La Franja and Kiosko s’Abeuradeta, their owners are retiring and are not going to submit an application for the new bidding period, so these beach bars will surely have a new management and perhaps a new business name.
Why have so many applications been submitted for the tender for the Formentera kiosks?
Basically because the law on public sector contracts has changed (it is more demanding) and European regulations require that public contracts allow the participation of any European citizen.
The council decides
Among the current owners of Formentera kiosks there is concern about the loss of their licenses. These are mostly family businesses run by local people on the island, who have spent a lifetime dedicated to their beach bars. The Formentera Council will pay attention to environmental, waste and training aspects when granting licenses to new owners.
You can get more information in the Periódico de Ibiza