SOIB Formentera

SOIB Office (occupation and work institution) in Formentera
OfficeSOIB Formentera

Quick info:

Hours of operation:

Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.


I’m Xevi, and all the photos and texts you find in AllFormentera have come from my camera or my keyboard. After living and working two summers in Formentera and falling in love with it (I still visit the island several times every year) one day I decided to put all the information in this project.

The SOIB office in Formentera is located in the capital of Formentera, Sant Francesc.

SOIB stands for Servicio de Ocupación de las Islas Baleares (Employment Service of the Balearic Islands), and is the official Balearic government agency for employment programs, job search, professional and academic internships, and unemployment benefit management (among many other things).

How can the SOIB office in Formentera help you?

The SOIB office in Formentera can help you in case you are looking for a job, need to apply for an unemployment benefit, want to train or want to do an internship. Let’s see one by one the services related to the world of employment that you can find in the SOIB of Formentera.

Guidance for local development

The Ministry of Labor of the Balearic Islands has committed to support economic initiatives based on local development and employment, for the period 2020-2023.

So if you have a business that generates employment and activity locally on the island of Formentera, you may be able to benefit from a grant from the SOIB Local Development program.

For more information visit the program page.

Internships for young people

If you are between 18 and 25 and unemployed, you can access non-working internships to gain experience in jobs or sectors of your interest. The SOIB will provide you with a tutor for the duration of the internship (between 3 and 9 months) and the internship is also subsidized with an amount equivalent to 80% of the current IPREM (Public Indicator of Multiple Effect Income, Indicador Público de Renta de Efectos Múltiples).

If you want more information, you can visit the page of the SOIB’s internships.

Services for the unemployed

At the SOIB office in Formentera you can perform the two main services for an unemployed person: register as a job seeker and renew the employment demand.

EURES (orientation to work in Europe)

The Eures network is a European network for the collaboration of employment services in different EU countries. If you want to work abroad (Europe + Switzerland), the EURES program can help you.

If you need guidance to work, study or do an internship in a European country, the SOIB can help you. Visit the EURES page of the SOIB for more information.

Consult job offers

The SOIB allows you to consult the job offers and jobs at both private and public level. You can go to the SOIB Formentera office or do it online. In the latter case, the links are as follows:

To find offers in Formentera use the tool to filter by island.

Job Orientation

Any SOIB office (also the one in Formentera) offers job orientation services for different profiles of job seekers and companies.

The most outstanding are:

SOIB Reactiva

The SOIB Reactiva program is an employment promotion program during the COVID pandemic. The Reactiva program offers 6-month contracts for people over or under 30 years of age, depending on their situation.

You can find more information on the SOIB Reactiva program page.

SOIB Donate

The SOIB Dona Program is a program of orientation and labor reinsertion for women victims of gender violence. This program provides advantages to women in this situation, giving them preference when it comes to finding employment, during labor intermediation and hiring advantages for the companies that hire this type of employee.

For more information, visit the SOIB Dona program page.

SOIB Formentera: previous appointment

Remember that you must make an appointment to be seen. We leave you the link to request an appointment with the SOIB of Formentera .

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