Citizen’s Advice Bureau Formentera

Citizen Attention Office of Formentera
Citizen's Advice Bureau Formentera

Quick info:

Opening hours of the OAC Citizen’s Advice Bureau Formentera:

Monday to Friday, from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm, and on Thursdays from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm.


I’m Xevi, and all the photos and texts you find in AllFormentera have come from my camera or my keyboard. After living and working two summers in Formentera and falling in love with it (I still visit the island several times every year) one day I decided to put all the information in this project.

The Citizen’s Attention Office (OAC) is the office of the island of Formentera that is in charge of helping the citizen and inhabitant of the island in the case of needing to carry out certain procedures with the local or central administration.

Citizen’s Advice Bureau of Formentera: how can it help you?

The Citizen’s Advice Bureau of Formentera can help you with the processing of practically any type of paperwork with the public administration of Formentera and also some procedure with the regional one (at Balearic level). However, depending on what you need, you may have to travel to a different office in Ibiza island.

In general, the procedures offered by the OAC of Formentera are the following:

  • Population
    • Courses
    • Procedures with the municipal census
    • Associations
  • Activities
    • Companies’s registrations, cancellations, changes and assistance to the entrepreneur
  • Urbanism
    • Processing of certificates
    • Cadastre
    • Building permits
  • Tourism
    • Start and cessation of tourism activities
    • Permits for videographic or photographic shoots
  • Mobility
    • Parking fords, accesses for residents…
    • Card for persons with reduced mobility
  • Environment
  • Human Resources
    • Medical releases
    • Public job offers
  • Rural and marine environment
    • License for potentially dangerous animals
    • Livestock booklets
    • Licenses for hunting and fishing
  • Culture, education and heritage
    • Summer schools
    • Application for exhibitions
    • Heritage works
  • Trade and market
    • Courses
    • Craftsman’s license
    • Application for a stall at one of the street markets
  • Fiscal and payments
    • Fines
    • Taxes
    • Fees
  • Grants and scholarships
    • COVID-19 Grants
    • Scholarships for students
    • Scholarships for insularity
    • Aid for the disabled
  • Other procedures
    • Instances and complaints
    • Request for police reports
    • Request for funeral services
    • Reservation of material for activities

Where is the Citizen’s Advice Bureau of Formentera located?

The Citizen Attention Office of Formentera is located in the center of Sant Francesc, next to the Constitution Square (behind the Consell de Formentera).

However, if you do not want to travel, you can also carry out many of the procedures described here telematically through the OVAC (Virtual Citizen’s Advice Office).

Here you can visit the Formentera OVAC website.

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