Street markets of Formentera

What are the markets of Formentera?

Here we list all the markets of Formentera

And remember that you can also see them on the map:

See flea markets on the map

Street markets of Formentera
Content: Street markets of Formentera

Formentera’s street markets are one of the main attractions for tourists who are spending a few days on the island. Although the most famous of all the flea markets is the flea market of La Mola, there are actually 6 different flea markets scattered throughout the island.

Each of the markets is held on different days and at different times, and there are markets that are held daily, two days a week or even just one day a week. This means that you always have at least one flea market in operation on anygiven day of the week, whether in the morning, afternoon or evening.

The markets of Formentera

La Mola flea market, Formentera
La Mola flea market, Formentera

The markets of Formentera are frequented by those tourists who have spent the day at the beach and want to enjoy some leisure time before going to dinner or once the sun has gone.

The markets of Formentera are the right place to take some souvenir or handicraft of the island home.

Although there are six different markets in Formentera, none of them is the same as another.

We can find craft markets, flea markets of second-hand objects, art markets where the different artists who live in Formentera put their works on sale and also mixed markets where we can find practically everything (from jewelry to clothing and accessories).

Let’s see the complete list of street markets in Formentera .

La Mola flea market

La Mola flea market, Formentera
La Mola flea market, Formentera
Wednesdays and Sundays from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm

This is the best known flea market in Formentera, a real flea market that starts every Wednesday and Sunday afternoon.

The flea market of La Mola was the first of all the flea markets in Formentera, created in the mid 80’s on the initiative of the different artists who had been living on the island for several years before.

The first precursors of the Mola flea market were the hippies who came to the island during the 70s and 80s, and nowadays the Mola flea market has become an inseparable part of Formentera’s summers.

Es Pujols flea market

Es Pujols flea market
Es Pujols flea market
Every day in the afternoon until midnight

Es Pujols is an urban nucleus eminently destined to leisure, especially nightlife. For that reason if there was a flea market in Es Pujols it had to be organized once the sun has gone down.

We can find the flea market of Es Pujols every night of summer in the maritime stroll of this locality.

The Es Pujols flea market brings together vendors offering accessories and jewelry from sunset until midnight.

Sant Ferran Art Market

Sant Ferran Art Market
Sant Ferran Art Market
Every night except WednesdaysEvery night except Wednesdays, the best artists of Formentera gather in Sant Ferran to exhibit and sell their works.Located in the main street just in front of the square and its adjacent streets, in the art market of Sant Ferran we can find works of art made 100% in Formentera.These are unique works of art made from materials that the artists find on the island.

La Savina flea market

La Savina Formentera Flea Market
La Savina Formentera Flea Market

Everyday from 11.00h to 23.00h

If you are in La Savina even if it is not on the day of your arrival or departure from Formentera, in the port of this town you will find every day from 11 am until late at night a market of clothing and accessories quite varied.

The different stalls are located on the promenade itself.

If you approach at lunchtime, it is possible that one of the vendors may not be present at that time.

Sant Francesc street market

Sant Francesc street market
Sant Francesc street market

Every day from 10.00h to 14.00h and from 17.00h to 23.00h.

The streets of the town of Sant Francesc have throughout the summer with stalls selling accessories and jewelry.

If you pass by Sant Francesc at any time of the morning or afternoon in its streets you can find different stalls selling jewelry and accessories.

The Sant Francesc street market is located both in Isidor Macabich street and Jaume Primer street, two of the main pedestrian streets of Sant Francesc.

Sant Francesc’s second hand market

Second hand flea market in Sant Francesc, Formentera
Second hand flea market in Sant Francesc, Formentera
Saturday mornings

It is undoubtedly the least frequented of all the markets, but also perhaps the most authentic. Here we will find individuals selling various objects, utensils, furniture and various knick-knacks, including clothing and real collector’s items.

The second hand market of Sant Francesc is held only on Saturday mornings behind the church.

If you want to take home a 100% authentic and inimitable souvenir, this is the market you should go to.