Sunrise in Formentera

What are the best places to see the sunrise in Formentera?

What recommendations can we give you to watch the sunrise?

Content: Sunrise in Formentera

If there is something that is a must when you travel to this fantastic island, it is to enjoy its fantastic sunsets and sunrises. And there is no view as beautiful as seeing the sun merging with the horizon of the sea.

In addition, the great advantage of Formentera is that, being a relatively small island, if you want, in the same day you can enjoy the sunrise, sunset and moonrise. 

Therefore, if you are thinking of traveling to Formentera, you can not miss the best tips to know how, where and when to enjoy the best sunrises and sunsets.

Here we are going to explain you where you can see the sunrise in Formentera.

Remember that if you want information about the sunset (places, tips…) you have our page with all the information about the sunset in Formentera.

Where to see the sunrise in Formentera?

The first thing you should know is that to see the sunrise or sunrise, you must find a point on the island facing east. Among the most outstanding and idyllic sites, we find the following.

La Mola Lighthouse

Lighthouse of La Mola, Formentera
Lighthouse of La Mola, Formentera

La Mola Lighthouse is one of the most iconic and recognized points where you can enjoy the sunrise in Formentera.

It is a spectacular lighthouse located about 120 meters above sea level, in an area of cliffs. This makes the view of the sunrise totally spectacular.

This was the first lighthouse to be inaugurated on the island, in 1861. After several remodeling and maintenance works, it has been achieved that, today, it is the only one of the lighthouses of Formentera that can be visited.

And it houses the museum on the maritime heritage and history of Formentera. In fact, numerous cultural activities are held there, such as plays, conferences and concerts, among others.

Getting to La Mola Lighthouse is extremely easy, as you will find it at the end of the island, on the road leading to the village of La Mola pillar. Although the lighthouse is a must-see stop, and you can visit it at any time of the day, sunrise is undoubtedly the best of the options. When the weather is fine and the sky is clear of clouds, you can see perfectly how the sun rises on the horizon and merges with the sea, above the cliffs.

Sa Punta Prima Tower

Sunrise from Punta Prima, Formentera
Sunrise from Punta Prima, Formentera

Another of the best enclaves in which to enjoy a fantastic sunrise, is the famous tower of Sa Punta Prima. It is an old defense tower that is located in the area between Sant Ferran and Es Pujols, and is part of one of the four buildings that were built to defend the island in 1762.

If you want to visit this tower, which is the largest of the four that were erected at that time, you can only do so from the outside. However, the views that the area offers from the cliffs are spectacular.

In fact, you can see the island of Ibiza and La Mola, as well as the coast of Es Carnatge and Tramuntana.

This fantastic landscape makes the sunrise and sunrise from this area of the island something totally spectacular and a must see if you travel to Formentera.

To access this tower, you must take the detour from the road that goes from Es Pujols to Sant Ferran. You can also check how to get there from the Punta Prima Tower page of our website.

Llevant Beach

Levante Beach, Formentera
Levante Beach, Formentera

Following our key points where you can enjoy the best sunrises on the island of Formentera, we find the Llevant Beach.

It is the largest uninterrupted beach on the island and is a neighbor of Ses Illetes beach. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is one of the busiest throughout the year.

Its location to the east, in addition to being completely open to the sea, makes it special and different from those with reefs or islands that protect it.

That is why the waters of Levante beach have a dark turquoise blue color, and the swell predominates compared to other areas of Formentera .

For all these reasons, this beach is one of the most frequented and desired places to watch the sunrise.

You will also be able to listen to the sound of sea birds that, together with the smell of the sea, will accompany you while the sun lurks on the horizon. Undoubtedly, a great experience for all your senses.

Cap de Barbaria and Lighthouse of Barbaria

Cap de Barbaria Lighthouse, Formentera
Cap de Barbaria Lighthouse, Formentera

Another favorite destination to watch the sunrise (many people go to this area for the sunset) is Es Cap de Barbaria and its lighthouse.

In Es Cap de Barbaria we find the famous Faro de Cap de Barbaria, another of the most frequented tourist enclaves of the island. Although it is not possible to access its interior, the lighthouse is in perfect working order and offers us unique views, with a landscape promoted by the arid and sparse vegetation, in which we only find some pine trees that make the contrast worthy of admiration.

Although from Cap de Barbaria you will not be able to see the sun rising from the horizon, as the Mola peninsula will hide it from you, it is worth getting up early in the morning to enjoy the smells and colors of this area of Formentera early in the morning.

Therefore, sitting and watching the sunrise is one of the most beautiful activities you can do in this place.

In addition, when you visit the area of Cap de Barbaria you will also have the opportunity to see the Torres Des Garroveret, one of the four towers that were used in the past as a defense and surveillance system, as well as the Cova Foradada, a natural balcony overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.

Lighthouse of La Savina

Lighthouse of La Savina Formentera
Lighthouse of la Savina, Formentera

Finally, although it is not the best place to see the sunrise in Formentera, we cannot forget the precious lighthouse of La Savina, Although at first glance it may seem simple, it is the first one we see when we arrive and the one that says goodbye when we leave Formentera.

Thanks to its location, it will allow you to perfectly contemplate the sunset, as well as the sunrise, which will appear from the east behind the peninsula of Illetas. From the Lighthouse of La Savina you have stunning views of the neighboring island, Ibiza, the islet of Es Vedrà and observe the maritime traffic in the area of es Freus.

Moonrise in Formentera (moonrise)

Moonrise from La Mola, Formentera
 Moonrise from La Mola, Formentera

Another experience that you can do during your stay in Formentera and that is more unknown to most people who visit the island, is to contemplate the moonrise.

It is a magical moment, most interesting and, of course, beautiful to watch.

Logically, for the moonrise to coincide with the sunset (and thus be more impressive) you should visit Formentera on those days when the moon can be seen at its maximum splendor: the days of full moon.

From the day when the moon is full, the moon delays its rising by about 40 minutes per day. In other words, the later you are in the lunar phase, the later the moon will rise over the horizon and the smaller the moon will be. For example, in waning phase the moon will only appear over the horizon around 3.00 am: maybe it’s a bit late, don’t you think? Therefore, the most impressive spectacle is the one you can see during the full moon phase or a couple of days before or after it.

To find out the days of the full moon, all you have to do is consult a lunar calendar.

We can assure you that if you are lucky enough to witness this event, you will be in front of one of the most incredible phenomena that nature can offer us.

Couples, family and friends alike will enjoy this fantastic island experience.

Time of sunrise and sunset for each day

Here is a calendar of sunsets and sunrises in Formentera for the whole year 2022.

Here is a widget with the sunrise and sunset times for the current day:

Sunrise in Formentera for the day:
Sunrise: 07:38 Sunset: 18:38
Duration of Day: 11h 0m

Applications to control the time of sunrise and moonrise in Formentera

The best way to ensure you don’t miss the exact time the moon rises, as well as when the sun sets or rises, is through mobile applications.

These indicate the exact time at which these phenomena occur, depending on the location where you are.

Apps for Android

Some apps you can download for Android to monitor sunrise and sunset and moonrise and moonset are as follows:

Apps for iPhone

Some apps you can download for iPhone to monitor sunrise, sunset and moonrise and moonset are the following.

Why watch the sunrise, sunset and moonrise in Formentera?

If you are one of those people who are passionate about looking for unique experiences when you travel, to be able to take a memory that can always remain in your memory, both the sunrise, sunset and moonrise, will mark a before and after for you.

If you are passionate about astronomy, in Formentera you can enjoy all these events in one day.

If you are already planning your next trip to the island, don’t hesitate to reserve a moment to watch the sunrise as it merges with the sea, as well as the sunset and moonrise. And if you also follow our advice and visit some of the sites we have mentioned above, and you are lucky enough to travel when there is a full moon, the experience will be totally unique and unparalleled.

Still lacking reasons to visit this fantastic island and enjoy an experience like no other? Don’t wait any longer!

Final tips for watching the sunrise in Formentera

Finally, we would like to give you some recommendations for you to enjoy the sunrise in Formentera in all its splendor:

  • Prepare warm clothes: late in the evening it is usually cool, even in summer.
  • Plan in advance the location and calculate travel time
  • Take a camera with you to immortalize the moment.