Antoni Blanc sports centre

Municipal sports centre of Formentera

Quick info:

Municipal sports centre in Sant Francesc


I’m Xevi, and all the photos and texts you find in AllFormentera have come from my camera or my keyboard. After living and working two summers in Formentera and falling in love with it (I still visit the island several times every year) one day I decided to put all the information in this project.

The Antoni Blanc Sports Center in Formentera is a significant municipal sports center that offers a wide range of facilities and activities for residents and visitors alike. Located in Sant Francesc Xavier, the sports center features basketball, volleyball, and football courts, as well as an indoor swimming pool and gym. It also offers activity rooms for dance, martial arts, yoga, and Pilates. Additionally, it hosts various sports events and recreational activities for all ages, designed to attract visitors to Formentera throughout the year. The Antoni Blanc Sports Center is a popular venue that promotes an active and healthy lifestyle in Formentera, appreciated for its dynamic atmosphere and modern facilities.

The History of the Sports Center

The Antoni Blanc Sports Center opened its doors in 2011. It was named in honor of Antoni Blanc, one of the first settlers of Formentera, alongside Marc Ferrer (you can read more about them on our Formentera history page). The sports center was conceived as a comprehensive facility to promote physical activity and sports among residents and visitors of Formentera. Since its opening, it has been an important focal point for the community, offering a variety of modern facilities and sports programs for people of all ages and skill levels.

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