Levante Beach

Beach in the Illetas area
Levante beach, Formentera

Quick info:

Quick information about this beach:

  • Length: 2,000m
  • Amplitude: 20m
  • Orientation: East
  • Type: Dunar
  • Nudism: Frequent
  • Posidonia: Yes, it is removed
  • Occupation: High

Services available:

  • SOS Post
  • Hammock rental
  • Rental of umbrellas

Beach bars and restaurants on this beach:

  • Chiringuito Tanga
  • Es Ministre Restaurant
  • Vapor Manolito Restaurant


I’m Xevi, and all the photos and texts you find in AllFormentera have come from my camera or my keyboard. After living and working two summers in Formentera and falling in love with it (I still visit the island several times every year) one day I decided to put all the information in this project.

Levante Beach

Levante beach is the largest uninterrupted beach of Formentera. It is also one of the few beaches of Formentera that is oriented to the east. It is a neighbor of Illetas beach.

It is, together with the beach of Illetas, one of the most visited and crowded beaches of Formentera.

Description of Levante beach

Levante beach faces east, on the opposite side of the peninsula from Illetas beach. It is usually much less crowded than its neighbors on the other side of the dunes and is perfect for those who hate crowds and prefer to sacrifice spectacular scenery for tranquility.

The Levante beach is completely open to the sea, with no islands or reefs to protect it, unlike the beaches in the western part of Illetas. This opening causes the depth to increase faster once you enter the water, and as the depth increases, the turquoise blue colors of the water are replaced by a less colorful dark blue. As it is deeper, the waters are more active, unlike the beach of Ses Xalanes or Illetas, where the surface of the water is practically motionless.

In addition, the wind blows on this side of the isthmus of Illetas much more frequently than on the west side, accentuating the swell even more. Sometimes the wind and waves make swimming uncomfortable, although not dangerous, especially for the elderly, small children and swimmers who are not agile in the water.

Large beach, crowded but not overcrowded

Levante is the longest beach in all of Formentera: it stretches uninterruptedly for approximately 2 kilometers. Although it cannot compete in spectacular colors with other better known beaches of Formentera, its less affluence, its clearly dune landscape, its great length and width, makes it the perfect choice when the neighboring beaches on the west side of the natural park of Illetas are overcrowded.

Levante is like the typical Atlantic dune beaches, but obviously on a much smaller scale: open to the sea, wide and with frequent waves.

To the north the Levante beach reaches the so-called Racó de Ses Ampolles, on the east side of the Restaurant es Ministre. This part of the beach is connected to the northern part of Platja de Illetas. From there it descends southward for almost 2 kilometers to the Escull des Pou de Llevant, close to the beach of Sa Roqueta, which is close to Es Pujols. Before reaching Sa Roqueta, in the area of Chiringuito Manolito, there are three small bays of a few tens of meters in length where the waters are usually calmer and offer more privacy.

Origin of its name

The Levante beach receives its name because it is oriented towards the east, in an easterly direction on the wind rose.

The name “levante” comes from the word “levantar” or rising, that is, where the sun rises: the east.

The wind blowing from the east is therefore called, in the same way: Levante wind.

Occupancy Level

Occupancy of this beach is medium to low. Since it is very extensive, it is not possible to define an occupancy level for the entire beach, as it varies by zone. People tend to stand near the access walkways or restaurants, for the sheer convenience of not having to walk on the sand for several hundred meters. Those who prefer a little more solitude and/or intimacy look for corners a little farther away from groups of people. Either way, you can be sure you will find your happy corner of the Levante beach.


Given its large extension (about 2 kilometers), Levante beach can be accessed from several places.

North access

The beach is accessed from the last parking lot (only for motorcycles) in the Illetas area. The parking lot is located at the end of the natural park, in front of the Restaurant Es Ministre.

Access through the central area

The Levante Beach can also be accessed from several areas and parking lots in the area of Illetas: directly from the Tanga Beach beach bar, and walking about 10 minutes, through the wooden walkways if you park in the Juan and Andrea parking lots, El Pirata or the small motorcycle parking lot in between.

South zone access

To access the southern part of Levante we can do it directly if we park at the Kiosko Vapor Manolito bar, as we will be in front of the beach. However, this access is not made from the main entrance of Illetas, but we must enter through the main road PM-820-2, in the area of La Roqueta / Lago Playa Hotel. Look for the directions to Kiosko Manolito and the GPS will guide you easily.

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